D ual D isc C heck V alves
D uctile I ron
R etainerless B ody on CS and SS eliminates potential leak paths to the outside and is a stronger casting
C ast I ron
Advantages of D uctile I ron C heck V alves
Titan Check Valves are made with the alloy Ductile Iron for prices that are comparable to Cast Iron! Ductile Iron is composed of graphite in spheroidal shapes compared to Cast Iron, which has lenticular flakes that make it brittle. Not only does Ductile Iron have a yield strength comparable to Carbon Steel, but it also has the anti-corrosive properties of cast iron, making it the preferred material for iron check valves.
S hock B umpers stop discs and keep them stabile preventing unnecessary stress on the check valve
I nconel X S prings are standard on all Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel bodies
S plit D isc D esign minimizes pressure drop and shortens the distance each disc travels
I ndependent T orsion S prings on large sizes respond quickly to fluctuations in flow velocity
S ingle D isc C heck V alves
Single Disc - Wafer Style
Single Disc - Short Pattern
R etainerless B ody eliminates potential leak paths to the outside and is a stronger casting
R esilient , S oft S eats coupled with precision machined sealing surfaces ensure a bubble tight seal
S imple D esign is reliable; there are no springs or flange gaskets to replace
E conomical D esign provides a highly efficient check valve that is inexpensive and has a short laying length
C all (910) 735-0000
F ax (910) 738-3848
E mail titan@titanfci.com
V isit www.titanfci.com
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